
Send submissions to:

NČDS accepts submissions in Czech and English that have not been published anywhere else and whose authors are the exclusive copyright holders. If a submission contains materials whose copyright is claimed by a third party, it is necessary for the author to have permission from this third party. Authors are not permitted to publish or distribute texts that will be published in NČDS anywhere else, either free of charge or for a fee.

Authors are responsible for the text and format of the submission. Please follow the requirements for formal editing of the text, which can be found HERE; submissions that fail to meet the textual and formatting requirements may not be accepted for review. Editors reserve the right to make line-editing and copy-editing changes to texts. More substantial changes will be sent back to the author for approval.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review; the author will promptly be informed of the outcome.

Authors offer their contributions for publication without any remuneration. There are no fees for submission, processing, and publication of the manuscript.

Submission Topics:

We accept articles in all areas of linguistics. We especially welcome articles focusing on the teaching of Czech as a foreign or additional language, the relationship between Czech and other languages, and translation issues. We publish not only original research but also reviews, linguistic tidbits, and reports from linguistic conferences, completed projects and grants, and other events related to Czech.

Submission Parameters

We accept articles in the range of 8–20 standard pages (1 standard page is 1800 keystrokes including spaces), linguistic tidbits in the range of 3–7 standard pages, reports in the range of 2–4 standard pages, and reviews in the range of 3–8 standard pages (in exceptional cases, if the topic requires it, the range can be extended after consultation with the editors).

Abstract and Keywords

Each article must be accompanied by an abstract in Czech and in English between 800 and 1200 characters, as well as keywords in Czech and English (max. 10). Reviews do not require abstracts and keywords.

Information about the Author

Along with the submission and abstract (if required), please provide a brief biography (department, field, etc.). Bios will be published at the end of the issue.

Illustrative Examples of Standard License Agreements (the final agreement intended for signing shall always be provided by the editorial board):


​Czech Version
​English Version
​License agreement, license granted free of charge
  lic_nezam_bezupl_v12-2_CZ.docx lic_nezam_bezupl_v11-2_EN.docx
​​License agreement, license granted in exchange for a license fee
lic_nezam_upl_v11-1_CZ.docx llic_nezam_upl_v11_EN.docx​
Úvod > Guidelines